Cute and daring Little Hearts bikinis for Valentine's day

After a week of frantic inspiration, texturing and testing, a brand new Little Hearts bikini is now available in the Little Secrets shop, just in time for your Valentine shopping.

It comes in three colours (red, white and black) and two versions: a cute dry bikini that is tiny but covers all the important bits, and then and a rather more daring wet bikini that almost covers the important bits, but not quite.

Because I've made it for a bit of fun on Valentine's day, each pack (L$100) contains a wet and a dry bikini.

There is also a colour pack that contains all three colours in both wet and dry for L$175, for girls who can't decide which colour they like best (and for you guys that are not quite sure what she likes).

The bikinis are transferable. (Hint for guys that want to get lucky: girls love gifts on Valentine's day!)

The LM to the Little Secrets shop: