Exciting addition to the Little Secrets shop

Lakse, my Danish friend, has the knack to make beautiful tattoos. Last night we boxed up a set, and it's now for sale in Little Secrets. :-) Now that is just soooo exciting, because it is the most awesome tat ever: finely crafted, and very sexy. And I love tats. (The frustration of not being able to wear my favorite dragon tat with the bikinis in my inventory, cause the tat's on the underclothes layer and so are the majority of bikinis, was one of the reasons I started making my own.) Way to go Lakse!

Two other exciting things also happened this week:

The bikinis in Little Secrets started selling this week! Thrilling!!!!

And also, I've completed a blue get-it-wet bikini, and will add it to the shop over the weekend.

So my second life has been good this week!

Visit the Little Secrets shop.