New colours added to the hazardous stripes range of bikinis

Since releasing the hazardous stripes bikini a week ago (a bikini that gets girls into so much trouble that we had to stick a warning onto each shop display), I received so many requests for more colours that I've added the three most asked-for colours to the range.

The hazardous stripes bikinis are now available in black, white, red, green and blue.

The LM to the Little Secrets shop:

Hazardous stripes bikini

I've just completed a new creation called the Hazardous Stripes Bikini.

After seeing it in action though, I realised I may have gone to far, so decided to warn Sl residents against buying it.

Yes, you've heard right:

Do not buy this bikini! It will get you into more trouble than you can handle!

But, if you insist, and can't bear to live in any other way than dangerously, you will find it at my new shop in Nemnem: